Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sweetheart...thank you for all the links! So much great stuff to catch up on :) We just had a nice hikr up signal hill, and now are getting picked up to go to the club in 45 min...

There is no internet here at Kieran's mom' I can't post pix until I get a mobile app or something...for now it's old school analog posting.

Do you know what an incredible writer you are?

When you write me I really feel you through the words. And not just because I love you, but also because you communicate so generously, openly, warmly and articulately. (Is that even a word!?) ... It really means so much.
You show me how to be open. You show me how it is to share and give in language. And action too :)

I have to get things ready before we get picked up but I will find you later. My arms across the Atlantic, reaching for you. My heart too.

Xxxx your P


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